St.Albans and District Model Engineering Society

2019 Exhibition Flyer


St Albans & District Model Engineering Society

Model Engineering for All Ages

The BIG St.Albans Model Show.......MODELS THAT MOVE !

The annual exhibition by the St.Albans & District Model Engineering Society.

Our show gets bigger and better every year, over 2000 visitors attended the 2018 show.

It's a great family day out with lots to see and do for children

(and grown ups too !)

Lots of local clubs and societies exhibiting too so there's a great variety of all types of models for serious model makers to see.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Latest Update.

As the weather for Sunday 29th is forecast to be rainy we are making wet weather contingencies for Sunday and so the majority of outdoor activities and attractions will be re-located indoor or under cover for the day for everyone to enjoy.

PLEASE DO COME ALONG AND SEE US, there will be plenty to see and do in spite of the weather!

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