Download our emailable Membership Form
If you would like to join or chat to the St. Albans Model Engineers why not come to one of our evening meetings, details on the Club Nights page.
The dates of these can be found in the Calendar section of this web site.
Membership costs per year:
From January 2024
Full Membership £33.00
Concession £33.00
Junior £5
Associate £1
Membership includes our regular emailed newsletter, access to our meetings in the evening, at the lakeside, at our track, our exhibitions, and various other activities. There is a small charge at meetings to pay for the hall.
Membership year starts in January and a pro rata adjustment is made if you first join at some other time.
If you have any questions about membership please contact the membership secretary by email at
If you would like to join the club the best way is to come along to one of our meetings at The Christchurch Centre but if you can't make that fill in the membership form and email it to the membership secretary at
Our evening meetings are held at:
Christchurch Centre,
High Oaks Road,
New Greens,
7:30pm till 10pm.
With a 15 min break for tea and biscuits.
Email our membership secrtetary here:

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