St.Albans and District Model Engineering Society

2024 Calendar


2024 Club Nights & Events Calendar

Club Nights and Outside Events

Club nights are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at the Christchurch Centre, High Oaks, St Albans, AL3 6DJ and start at 7.00pm. Non-members are always welcome and refreshments are served. An entry charge of £3 is made to cover hall costs and refreshments.  The charge can be paid by debit/credit card or by cash (correct amount please).

Chipperfield Track (Puffing Park) Running Sessions.

There are normally two Club running sessions each calendar month at the Puffing Park . They are at 13:30 on the first Sunday after club nights and on Sunday afternoon at 13:30 two weeks after the club night .

Club night dates are listed below, so to check availability attend the Club night, or check with Roger Stephen by phone or email, or join his regular Puffing Park e-mail list. To reduce the risk of getting stuck you are advised to check ground conditions carefully before driving beyond the entrance gates.    

Club Night location details can be found in the Join section.

2024 Events Calendar



10th Jan  -   A film show from Frank Banfield.

14th  Feb  -  Professor John Uff  KK FREng, will talk to us about leading the inquiry into the Southall train crash & Mike C will discuss his Tiger tank, experience in use, planned developments and
remediations etc..

13th Mar  -  Chris and Jim Scivyer will be talking about Model Rocketry followed by a briefing by Guy 'Should we become a Charity?

31st March  -  Easter Sailing Regatta at Verulamium Park. From 10:00 AM  - 1PM. CANCELLED

10th April  -   AGM  followed by Club Auction.

8th May  -  Fairey Swordfish, its construction & Laser Cutting.  Dave Batchelor.

12th June  -   Club Night: Puffing Park.  (see July)  'We'll meet again' to quote the Queen.

16th June  -  Annual Club Outing: Buckingham Railway Centre, Quainton.  Make your own way to arrive at 11:00 am.

30th June  -  Portable track and 'have-a-go boats' at Verulamium Park. Bring your own boats and models to display and run. All club member support required. CANCELLED

10th July  -   Club Night: Members Models, bring along your current work-in-progress. 

4th August  -  Portable Track at Clarence Park.   Member support required

14th August  -   Club Night: Steam demo and G1 models TBA

18th August  -  Portable track and model displays at Verulamium Park. Bring your own boats and models to display.  All club member support required.

1st September  -  BBQ & track running day at Puffing Park.  12:00  - 17:00   BBQ available from 13:00  - 14:00    Bring your loco or use the club 08 Electric or steam loco 'Alice'. 

11th September  -   Club Night: Michael & Mark. 'What happens when things go wrong on Euro Star and Network Rail'

28th & 29th September  -  Club Exhibition at Townsend School St.Albans.   Support required from all members for this major club event.

9th October  -  Club Night: Talk by Roy on sailing boats + one other topic.

13th November  -  Club Night: EGM & Guy Keen talking about 'How a steam engine actually works'

11th December  -   Club Night: Christmas evening & a talk and film show by Terry Summers.



2nd & 3rd March  -  Midlands Garden Rail Show. Warwickshire

16th & 17th March  -  London Festival of Railway Modelling . Alexandra Palace.

27th & 28th April  -  Model World LIVE.  NEC Birmingham

11th May  -  Brambleton Model Railway Club.   Open Day  14:00  -  17:30

18th May  -  Garden Fields School 'May Fair' 12:00 - 15:00 . Club portable track and loco to give free rides. Support required from members.

18th & 19th May  -  Shuttleworth, Beds  Model Air & Boats display

25th & 26th May  -  Model Boat Mayhem at Wicksteed Park

1st & 2nd June  -  Hertfordshire  Steam & Country Show. Standalone Farm, Letchworth.

14th - 16th June  -  Weston Park Model Airshow.  Staffordshire.

29th & 30th June  - 'Wings & Wheels'. Stanford Hall, Lutterworth. Nr Rugby  CANCELLED

6th & 7th July  -  Chiltern Steam Rally. Hyde End, near Great Missenden

27th & 28th July  -  Shuttleworth, Beds  Model Air & Boats display

27th & 28th July  -  Dacorum Steam and Country Fayre. Green Croft Farm , near Hemel H.

August 31st - 1st September  -  Southern Model Airshow.  Headcorn Aerodrome. Kent.

14th September  -  Brambleton Model Railway Club.   Open Day  14:00  -  17:30

14th & 15th September  -  International N-Gauge Show. Warwickshire

17th  -  20th October  -  Midlands Model Engineering Exhibition. Warwickshire

19th & 20th October  -  Blackpool Model Show.