Club Outing to Crich Tramway Village, Derbyshire - Sunday 23rd June 2019
“I have booked the 29 seater coach with Miami motors.
They have suggested an 8.00 am start and a stop on the way.
Cost will have to be £35 per person, although if we can fill the coach you may get a free cuppa!
I have also spoken with the tramway and have arranged for a visit to the workshops. It will have to be small groups but will discuss further with them closer to the event.”
Mike Grossmith.
Ride the trams all day + guided tour of the tram workshops.
Departs St.Albans City Station car park @ 08:00, (comfort stop en-route).
Arrive back at around 19:00
Tickets are available from the Hon. Treasurer £35 including coach and entrance to the museum.
Friends, family and non-members are welcome.
The National Tramway Museum is located at Crich in Derbyshire. The museum contains over 60, mainly British, trams built between 1873 and 1982 and is set within Crich Tramway Village, a period village containing a pub, cafe, old-style sweetshop and tram depots. The trams were rescued and restored as the their systems closed. The museum's collection of trams runs through the village setting with visitors transported one mile out into the local countryside and back. The village is also home to the Eagle Press, a small museum dedicated to letterpress printing including an 1859 Columbian printing press.
Find out more about the museum, visit the website: