St.Albans and District Model Engineering Society

Book Reviews

Click on the book front cover to read the review.

Workholding in the Lathe
Model Yacht Construction and Sailing
Scale Model Traction Engine Building
Model Locomotive Valve Gears
Model Steamer Building
Hornsby Oil Engines
Aero Motors
Glow Plug Engines
Scale Model Warships
Newness Complete Engineer
Newness_Ejectors & Water Heaters
Radio Control in Boats
Stationary & Marine Steam Engines
Historic Loco Drawings
The Amateur's Workshop
Toolmaking Hints & Tips
Loco Boilermaking

Click on the book front cover to read the review.

Fowler Steam Road Vehicles
Locomotive Management
Machinery For Model Steamers
Waterline Ship Models
History of Model Power Boats
Model Petrol Engines
British Trams
Model Loco Valve Gear
LBSC's Shop
World Locomotive Models
Model locomotive construction
Finishing Touch Painting Models
Electronic projects Model Boats
Maintenance & Management of Small Locomotives
Manual of Machine Drawing & Design
Soldering & Brazing
Sharpening Small Tools
Railways In Your Garden
Garden Railway Manual
Large Scale Model Railroading
Tiffy's Workshop Marine Models From Scratch
Historic Model Ships from Scratch

Click on the book front cover to read the review.

Planking Techniques for Model Ship Builders
Model Marine Steam
The Steam Engine
Mallaig Railway
The Exhaust Steam Injector
Liverpool & Manchester Railway 1830 - 1980
How steam locomotives really work